September 29, 2010

Lake Powell 2010

Our Lake Powell annual trip! I LOVE THIS TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never want to come home. This year we didn't take Londy, she stayed with Sandi, Britt and Blair. Clay had to come home early for school/work. So if it weren't for them not being there I would have stayed another week! I didn't know but Londy was super sick while I was gone, Clay didn't want to tell me because he knew I would freak out and stress about it so he didn't tell me until I got home. I felt awful!!! Poor little thing. I sure did miss her. I have to admit the relaxing lake powell trip was very nice, but I did miss my little family back home!

Favorite aunt Cindy and mama

Yes, that is old man Cardon doing a back flip! He's almost 50, that's impressive.

Aunt Colleen, me, mama, aunt Cindy

We got in a little mud fight... it was fun!!!

we weren't allowed on the boat :(

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