September 29, 2010

Lake Powell 2010

Our Lake Powell annual trip! I LOVE THIS TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never want to come home. This year we didn't take Londy, she stayed with Sandi, Britt and Blair. Clay had to come home early for school/work. So if it weren't for them not being there I would have stayed another week! I didn't know but Londy was super sick while I was gone, Clay didn't want to tell me because he knew I would freak out and stress about it so he didn't tell me until I got home. I felt awful!!! Poor little thing. I sure did miss her. I have to admit the relaxing lake powell trip was very nice, but I did miss my little family back home!

Favorite aunt Cindy and mama

Yes, that is old man Cardon doing a back flip! He's almost 50, that's impressive.

Aunt Colleen, me, mama, aunt Cindy

We got in a little mud fight... it was fun!!!

we weren't allowed on the boat :(

September 23, 2010


Cowboy up, it's Tates first birthday!!


 going on her first pony ride

 Poor Tate, he didn't really like the pony :(
 Cort made this cute outfit for Caitlin, it was so cute!! My friends are so talented, it's inspirational!
 model pose.. ha ha

 I love this picture!! Two best buds!

horsey ride, giddy-up cowgirl!

 Shannel made this Darling cake! So inspirational, she's amazing!
 eating a birthday cupcake 

 We spent a lot of the party chasing londy! We would be kidding ourselves if we thought she'd sit and watch Tate. Sorry Tate, you've got a curious girl on your hands :)
 Opening gifts! We got him some building blocks and the cutest puppy book!
Happy birthday Tater :)

Tate digging into his cake! (Proud mama there to watch)


London's new chair

London LOVES to pull out all of the pots and pans, but today she decided to crawl on in and make a little seat for herself. Curious curious curious!!!!!!! I love to see her little wheels start turning and see what she's going to do next. She's exhausting, but I wouldn't change one second of it :)