February 4, 2008

Mr Clean, Mr Clean...

So I just got off work (11:30pm) and I walked into my apartment to see that my adorable husband had done all of our laundry, the dishes, and had also ran an errand that NEEDED to be ran. Honestly, he is the greatest husband ever. He's so helpful!  i.e. He ironed my work shirts for me the other day (he ironed like three of them, so I had them for the week) because he knows that ironing is not my favorite. It's so great to come home thinking that you have a whole list of things to do, and then, surprisingly find out that half of them are already done!!!
Sorry, I just had a little bragging moment. Just want him to know I appreciate him!


Anonymous said...

Aren't husbands the best? I always tell people I married the perfect house wife. :)

{lindy baker cakes} said...

I love when that happens! Matt's so good about that too! However, he is sick right now so it's the end of the world. Guys are so funny when they're sick! But maybe next week! hahaha. :)

Heidi said...

yes! I love when they do that! Good job Clay! I think that is when I feel the most loved... so wonderful

Lindsey Lee said...

what a little sweetie that clay is! Husbands are the best!! Ps. i want to see 27 dresses too really bad...if you need a date i will go with you! My husband will not go see chick movies with me. sad eh?

Unknown said...

Yea for Clay, it sounds like you hit the jackpot with this one Tiff.

Kayla R. said...

YEah we are blog buddies:)That is so cute!

Katie said...

That is awesome that you got another job! Hooray for getting out of the Ruby trap. Now lets see who goes back first, me or you. Ha ha. That is awesome though. And I too love it when my husband surprises me with doing a little extra around the house. Husbands are cute like that. Or maybe it's just that we wives are easy to please

Sarah said...

That is definately cute!!! What a good hubby!! Have not seen you two in a while, hope things are great.

Reagan and Mike said...

your blog is so cute! i'm so jealous. I'm so excited we can be blog friends now! we'll keep ou updated!