April 22, 2008

Love grapefruit

So the other day I decided to buy a grapefruit because I hadn't had one in years. I ate it for breakfast and I had forgotten how incredible they are. WOW, the are so refreshing!! I need to go and buy a few more!!! 


Morgan said...

we LOVE grapefruit at our house... even Asher. they are the BEST. mmmm!

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

We love grapefruit too! Good call! I forget how yummy fruit is until the summer and then we eat a ton of it and then by winter it's like we forget that it exists or something. I love that post about Clay in school ha ha ha. Ryan is the same way, school is NOT his favorite thing. Yesterday he was walking around moaning and when I said "Ry WHAT IS WRONG?!" all he said with a sad little voice was "School." ha ha ha. I am SO OVER it too! I have one final left and as I'm studying I keep drifting away to email, blog stuff, online shopping...AH okay I'm going to study right now! :)

Jamie said...

We love them too! I like to put Sugar on them and Ryan likes to put salt on them (gross) what do you like? We actually have 4 in our fridge right now... so if you need to borrow one (well have one) you can!

Amy said...

Hey, Tiff. I have been trying to put a picture at the top of my blog, but when I do, it is really big. How do I get it to be like yours??

Sarah said...

My mom used to cut those up for me and sprinkle sugar on them before school. I miss them, i will have to go buy some

Brigitte Eppley Pace said...

I'm with Ryan -- totally SALT on Grapefruits!

kaahu said...

I'm glad you found our blog! You guys look like your busy. I use to work as a dental assistant too. Looks like you are enjoying it, that's good. Brady said he saw clay yesterday at the golf field. Brady's trying to get his game back since he never has time to go! It's good to hear from you guys! keep in touch.

{lindy baker cakes} said...

I love grapefruits. I put splenda on them. YUM. It's like 1:40 am and I really would like one right now.

Kayla R. said...

yuck...but i do like grapefruit crystal light though!

Jackson said...

Hey cute girl its Alesa. I miss seeing you its been awhile since we ran into each other.

We are taking our blog private so stop by and leave your email address for me. Then I can give you an invite, I would love to stay in touch still. I will erase your email as soon as I get it! Thanks, Alesa