March 9, 2010

32 weeks and getting so big!!

Just introduced a sippy cup for the first time! My mom suggested that I try it in the bath tub first that way if they spill it doesn't matter :) Thanks mom!!!! She doesn't quite get the concept yet, she tips it, but not high enough to get anything out of it. She just bites we'll keep you posted with the progress!!!

London's eye are changing color, does this child have ANY of my genes ??? They have changed to greenish golden brown, just like her daddy! (good thing I love Clay's eyes) London is a Barnes 100% So I guess I do have to say that makes her VERY cute :)

I just fed her Strawberries, and black beans and somehow she was still hungry I turned my head for a second and looked back and she was licking the slobbered out strawberry off of her bib, ha! She is one healthy girl! She loves her food
I'm pretty confident that she has enjoyed this meal :)

Black beans FIRST TIME EVER!!
march ...
These jammies look like a little clown outfit, we were up at my parents and didn't have another outfit so we pulled this out of the closet...3-6 months, pretty sure it was a little too small, but she still looked darling of course.
This is London in the morning, out like a light! Can I say that I love love love these sleep sacks, she is just about too big and I don't know what I'm going to do because they make them in ONE size...that's all I've seen, if anyone has seen bigger sizes let me know!!

She didn't pulled herself up YET...but she is standing on her own and she is trying to pull herself up, she gets so close. So I think it's just about time to lower the pack n' play
She loves drinking out of a glass, she latches her little teeth on the edge and swallows away!!

Static mania!

London thought this was so much fun, we all got to laughing so hard. She makes everyday exciting!!

March 6, 2010

london 31 weeks old :)

London loves to be naked :) SO She loves bath time !!!! She is getting so big, a couple of weeks back I put her in the tub and she was sitting there playing with her rubber ducks and it just hit me...I am mom of 7 month old girl, and she is sitting on her own and playing with toys!!! I am sure all of you moms out there know what I am talking about when I say that it just hits me at random times that I really am a mom. It is the greatest gift ever, so I'm grateful for the reality checks every once in awhile because when I saw her just playing away it made me smile and realize I am one lucky girl :)

Just watched her as she scooted her way to the edge of the bed!!! little stinker

I ABSOLUTELY love this picture... she is chillin'