June 13, 2010

London's first time ever throwing up :(

It was the saddest, sweetest thing ever. We were all laying in bed after Clay had brought her in to snuggle with us around 7 am all of a sudden we heard her kind of gag and then up it came. It was hardly anything. She didn't act sick at all, but then a few minutes later up it came again. She was grinning through the whole thing. She was so stinkin' cute. She was such a trooper! We went down to give her some breakfast because she acted totally fine so I fed her and as you can see in the pictures it didn't stay down long. She was grinning from ear to ear the entire time. It was the cutest thing, but we felt so bad that she had the flu :( We bathed her and she took a SUPER long nap and then we ready to go and never showed another sign of being sick.
SO GLAD it didn't last long!
In the sink right after she threw up
She thought this was the coolest thing ever...
Poor little thing!

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