January 31, 2008

Where is our home???

Seriously!! We have been looking for a house for about 8 months and are having 0% luck. It is super frustrating. We have found the perfect house several times, but then it ends up being way to expensive! Then we find the right price, and it's built in the 1800's. ha ha
If you see any cute homes that aren't ancient please let us know!!!!! One of these days it'll happen and we will be SO happy to move out of our apt and into something with a washer and dryer and a dishwasher. Yes, sadly we don't have either one. The day that I can do laundry at my own house will be a day to celebrate. It's so funny the thing that you take for granted, and then when you don't have them they seem like a luxury. :) Well I guess I've learned to be more grateful!!!!


Bree said...

have you checked McKinney, Tx? Seriously, there are a million adorable new houses, and they're CHEAP!

cat+tadd=sam said...

Ugh, so sorry you're in that situation. We're looking for a place to rent and have had NO luck.

Lindsey Lee said...

Oh my goodness...that was the story of our lives a few months ago. We finally found a house by kiwanas park and LOVE it! I am going to keep my eyes open because its a super fun neighborhood and the houses are all built in the 1950's so they arent expensive and they are small and quant...although we had to build on becuase it didn't have a laundry room either. I had lived without a washer and dryer for far too long as well. Anywho, i will keep my eyes open seriously!!

{Brittany} said...

You are too cute. Thank you for posting on our blog. Please add us and I would like to add you too... if that is okay! I'm not putting you to shame I'm just in this crazy state of mind and am absolutely smitten by the little ones in my life! I can't wait for you to get started your children will be so stunning!

Amber Ferran said...

Hey Tiff! I didn't know you guys had a blog! I'm excited stay updated with you guys! Hope all is well...love you two!

{lindy baker cakes} said...

Your new home is in our spare bedroom. Come on over. Like you said, we'll make pancakes in the morning. Just think how giddy Matt and Clay will be. hahaha.