We had a GREAT time in Powell this year, I am so glad that we went!!!
Haulin' London to the houseboat :)
She loved the water. I thought I'd get a bigger reaction than I did!
This picture makes it look like she didn't like the water, but I think she just was done taking pictures.
Rhett, Colleen, Seth and Caitlynn
Me, Terrance, Ty and CJ way up a the top.
We hiked clear up to this crevise in the rock. It was quite the hike. It was really fun though. It was just above where we parked the house boat, we had a GREAT spot this year. It stayed shady until about 8:30 am it was nice, usually the sun is shining in your eyes at about 6:00 am
This is the view of the hike we took. You can see our houseboat along the shoreline. It was a beautiful view
me and Caitlynn
My three awesome brothers. They ALWAYS know how to keep you laughing!!!!
Trying to show their manhood and move this rock...it didn't budge :(
I thought this face was so funny
Grandpa loving his granddaughter
She's ready for the boat!!
A round of golf (this game is really fun!!)
Once again Terrance being a clown, LOVE YOU T!!! This is also Seth hanging with uncle T-dog
She is SO stinkin' strong, she squirms her way off of your legs. We have to hold her tight or she'd scoot right off
Grandma and her girl
She was exhausted
Clay could only stay a few days. School just had to get in the way, darn!!! Saying our goodbyes :(
snuggling with daddy
Clay catching air
We painted London's toenails for the first time while we were down there, they looked so cute!!!
your truly :)
I was a little nervous to wake-board since I hadn't been since last year, but I thought I'd give it a whirl and see. It was a BLAST!!!!
CJ pulling out the backflip!!!
After a long day
Caitlynn and London. She was so helpful!!!! THANKS CAITLYNN!!! London and Caitlynn are about the same years apart that Caitlynn and I are. I hope they can be Lake Powell buddies like Caitlynn and I have been :)
Oh man!!! This means the trip is over!!! Digging up the trenches :( What a great week
Yes, this is my grandpa being stubborn and digging up a trench!!! What an incredible man he is. Such a strong spiritual leader and example. Love you Grandpa!!!
We sure missed grandma this trip, she wasn't able to make it due to her health, but we sure hope she can come next year; it just isn't the same without her.