June 27, 2008

Strawberry day RODEO!!

Yee haw!!! So, every year we go to the Strawberry days rodeo, and figured we couldn't let the tradition die so we kept the tradition alive once more. We had such a fun time watching the little kids ride the sheep, the crazy bull-riding, and of course the bronc riding, and of course the rodeo would NOT be complete without a little strawberries and cream!!! What can i say I love rodeos! Maybe that Texas blood is coming through :)

Clay and I
Darn, you can't see my cute cowboy boots :(
dad, clay and terrance


Moira said...

Ryan took the boys there as well. They loved it.

{lindy baker cakes} said...

You look GORGEOUS!!!!

chadandash said...

Only us true Texans can handle a rodeo...
cant wait to see you! You are looking fantastic by the way.

Sarah said...

So i am sad to say that we never made it to the rodeo, so no strawberries and cream for me, maybe next year!!! You look great Tiff!!!

Jake and Ashley said...

Hey Tiff! I love your blog! I am glad to see that everything is going well for you. I haven't seen you forever!!! We will have to get together for lunch sometime.;

Tawna said...

Looks like you had fun. I found your blog through the PHS one you made. Congrats to Chay, I never knew she was pregnant! I guess that happens when you live so far away from everyone!

Kayla R. said...

YEEEHAAAA! dang cute pics

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

The rodeo is one of our traditions too! I love the rodeos and miss them so much this summer. You look so pretty in all the pictures. The cabin post looks so relaxing! What a great get away!

Katie said...

tiffers you are so stinkin cute! We miss you at the Rube. Yes that is right, I went back :( only a couple times a week and SO not worth the crappy summer tips. Oh well. At any rate we still miss you!

Phill said...

Hey guys-
I just found you blog. Hope you're doing good. Check out our blog ... phillandleslieplusone.blogspot.com and we need to get together ... maybe a game night or going to a baseball game.

Phill Morgan