May 17, 2008

Mothers day

Me and my grandma Millar
Later in the day we went up spend some time with my momma!! Dad had prepared stuff to whip up a yummy BBQ. I was impressed he even bought veggies to go with it (way to go dad) He pretty much prepared it all. Then I made dessert, it was "ALMOST better than sex cake :)" it tasted pretty darn good. Then since my grandma was here all of my aunts and uncles came to our house because they were coming to visit grandma at her house but she was at our house, so it was a party at the Cardon's!!! It was so fun to see everyone. This is a picture of my mom and her mom and sisters, minus Connie :(  they are all such great ladies. I was sad as I was looking though my camera I realized I didn't get a picture with just my mom and I, I was bummed. But mom I want you to know that I love you so much and appreciate ALL of the things you for me and clay. I also am so grateful for our friendship, you are someone I can ALWAYS talk to, and I know you'll always listen. Thank you for your incredible example in everything you do. You are a great mom, I know Ty CJ and Terrance all agree too!! I love you


{lindy baker cakes} said...

cute pics tiff schmiff piff biff riff liff kiff miff fiff ziff yiff.

Meagan + Michael said...

I love love love turbo jam!!! It kicks my butt everytime! I'll have to disagree with you about Juno, I loved it :( haha...