May 7, 2008

Our first REAL kitchen table

We finally bought our first real kitchen table, and by real I mean not a card table with folding chairs. YAY, we are stepping up in the world. I was SO excited about getting this table, and Clay surprised me by having it mostly set up by the time I got home. However, when I walked into the kitchen I realized that the table looked A LOT bigger in our tiny apartment than it did in the store. It is hilarious. It looks huge, it's a black high-top table, which I love, but it's kind of funny looking in our small kitchen. So I guess we'll just have a good laugh until we someday buy a house. 

What a mess! This is our front room as he assembled the table :)


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I read this. It brought back so many memories of when Ryan and I were renting the town home in P.G We didn't have a table at all. Finally we bought one for around $99. I had never been so happy in my life. Gotta love it!


{lindy baker cakes} said...

So happy for you!!! I'm so proud of our kitchen table. In fact I have a hard time letting people eat on it because I don't want it to get ruined. haha. Post a picture of it when it's set up! I'd love to see! Love you!

Jackson said...

Congratulations!! I remember when we got our first table. Heck, I remember how excited I was when we got our second one too! Look at you growing up! Sam and I also made a household purchase today. We got a shed for our backyard. I have to admit that I am pretty excited about it. Yea for more organization!!

The Sandy Bottom Crew said...

i have the exact same table and chair set! R.C. Willey?

Lindsay said...

UMMM... Guess what?? Don't have to stalk you anymore! Got a blog finally and now we can not just be friends but blog friends! add me k?

Lindsay said...

oh and tell lindy to add me! :)

Sarah said...

I am jealous, our neighbor has a black high table, and i have wanted it forever, they are so cute!!!

Kayla R. said...

SOOO cute...cant wait until it is finished:)

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

Yea so many updates! Where to begin? First off I Love that picture of you at Clay's reunion! So cute! Prom!! Oh I remember those days but they just seem so long ago! They do look so classy together. And YEA for the table!!!! I want to see a finished product though! Clay looked like he was really workin hard on it :) I told Ryan that we'll know when we've really made it when we have our own washer and dryer and an ice-maker on the fridge! That'll be the day! A new real size kitchen table~you've made it! :)

Meagan + Michael said...

Hey Tiffy Tiff,
How are you? That is so exciting, I can't wait until the day I get a real kitchen table too! I was just reading how you went to lunch with your friends and all of them had kids, except for you... well I know just how you feel! I always feel out of place with my friends, they all have kids! Love ya!

JEN said...

HEY!! It is such a small (blogging) world! I am so glad you came across my blog! I never see anyone from high school anymore so it is nice to remember that that part of my life did exist:) You are so dang cute and you and Clay make the cutest couple EVER! I hope you don't mind if I look at your blog once in awhile to see what you are up to. Thanks for the comment!


Unknown said...

Did you go to Ikea?? I love setting the stuff up after we buy it together. You're so adorable. How did you like the mission reunion?? Sometimes when i get with chris and his mission clan i feel so incredibly left out. But maybe thats just me.

cat+tadd=sam said...

Congrats on the new table! We still have one that we got second hand from my sister. It suits us just fine, free of cost!

For a partial and cut it'll be $65, and then $50 for an all over. If there is more than one color in the partial, it could go up a bit to $75. Let me know if you want to set up an appointment!