March 4, 2009

Good movie!

Clay and I had a date with my parents this past weekend and we decided to go and see Marley and me. I had heard this movie was really good, but just never made my way to see it.  I heard that people cried in it and i thought I won't cry I don't even like dogs (sounds mean, but I am allergic and I'm not a fan of them slobbering all over me) anyhow, I really liked the movie and it confirmed my decision that I still don't want a dog. WOW, are you kidding me, that movie made me exhausted just watching it. The funny thing is, every dog my family has ever had acted just like Marley (and you wonder why I don't love dogs)  Seriously, I'm not kidding, if any of you have heard the Bandit stories you know exactly what i mean :) However, I do have to admit that I did cry in the movie, not just a few tears, I pretty much fully cried. I do have a tender heart towards dogs when they are NOT mine. But I would recommend this movie to anyone if you haven't seen it yet, DO!

1 comment:

{lindy baker cakes} said...

I LOVED this movie! So so so good! I bawled like a baby.