March 31, 2009

Ty's 23rd birthday!!!

Happy birthday to my great brother Tyler!!! We have always been super close, I am so grateful for our relationship!! He is such a great brother and person in general. Ty I hope you had a GREAT birthday. 
My grandparents were there for Ty's b-day dinner which was great to see them too! I sure do love my grandparents, they are all the greatest examples and most loving people in the world.
After dinner we all sat around and talked and just spent time together, and to top it all off  Mom made the yummiest strawberry cake, YUM YUM!! 
Love ya Ty
Me and Ty
CJ, Grandma Millar and Terrance
Blowing out the candles
Grandma Cardon, Ty, and Grandpa Cardon
Ty and Grandma Millar

Murder Mystery party

This past weekend we were invited to a murder mystery party, we were so excited because we had never been to one before. We were suppose to dress up 50's, it was fun to get ready! When we got there we were given our roles, and we were assigned to be Johnny and Jenny. Johnny (clay) was the high-school QB and Jenny (me) was the head cheerleader. I apparently was a big brat. Well the best part of the whole game is that you are suppose to be in character once the game begins. We all got into our parts, it was like a movie, it was so much fun!!! The funny part was that Clay (johnny) was the murderer and I had to protect him! We had a great time. I almost survived the entire game, but was killed in the last few minutes :( Thanks so much cortney, Paul, Melissa, and Jeff for planning such a fun night!!! 

Lindsay's birthday

We went to Pizza Factory with a bunch of friends and then went over to lindsay and Jason's to play games for Lindsay's birthday. It was a great night, 
 We had such a great time with you on your birthday :) 

Melissa, Devyn, me, Linds, , Morgan, and Cortney

Hurry quick

Sign up for the cutest give-a-ways!!!!!!! Lannie Boutique, such adorable stuff.
Check out the web site


March 21, 2009

BYU vs UTAH gymnastics

We went to the BYU vs UTAH meet last night with our good friends Linds and Travis and of course little Owen. It was way fun, however, BYU struggled big time. I don't think I have EVER seen a worse bar routine, than I did last night. This girl got up to do her routine and literally looked liked a fish flopping around, it was so weird, I couldn't even believe it was really. Poor thing, I just wanted to cry for her. But other than that it was excellent. I always love going to watch gymnastics
Clay, Trav and Owen (I absolutely love this little boy, I just want to take him home with me every time I see him, he's adorable. It was so sad last night, he wasn't very happy and he got little tears under his eyes it was so sad to see.
Me and Linds

20 week ultrasound!!

We had our 20 week ultra 2 weeks ago and this time we invited our parents! only my parents ended up being able to come, I'm am so glad they were there! We got it confirmed that she was girl!! So from that day on the buying began AAHHHHH. It has been so much fun. In this ultrasound everything looked great, which is such a relief! She wasn't too fond of holding still when we were there, she was moving SO much, it was adorable!! she turned her head and opened her mouth, she must have been saying hi :) I can't wait until I can hold her in my arms, both and Clay and I are getting more and more excited as the days pass by.

This is my little tummy at 20 weeks
momma, pops and I at after ultrasound
Yes, we are pretty happy

WOW!!! She has just popped out this past 2 weeks. It's crazy. It is so fun, I actually look pregnant now, instead of just looking like I ate too much :) I have felt her kick too, it is such a crazy feeling, but so amazing to know that she's moving around in there. I was at work and all of a sudden I felt a weird feeling in my stomach and then she must have done a back flip or something because it made me jump a little, it was a power kick!!!

Our first ultra sound!!

This was at my 16 week ultrasound :) I was able to find out early that we were having a girl!! It was such a neat experiance. I can't even explain in words how happy we were. I was a little surprised when the nurse said, "it's a little girl!" I guess I just pictured myself with a boy since I have all brothers, but I was so ecstatic about a girl! Clay said he thought it was a gril, so he wasn't as shocked as I was. We got to see her moving around and all of her limbs, spine, heart, etc. It is still so crazy the she is inside me. When I was looking at the screen and seeing her move all around I couldn't believe that I couldn't feel her. Wow I have a baby in me!!!! AHHHHHH so crazy. 
For this ultrasound Clay just wanted it to be me and him, so we didn't have our parents come to this one. It was a priceless moment that we got to share together. After we had the ultrasound we had to wait awhile until we could show our parents the pictures because Clay had school and I wanted him to be with me. But as soon as he was done we went over to share the exciting news!! When I talked to my mom she said, "ok what is it!!!" I told her we were having twins. I played it off pretty good for a minute and she actually believed me for a second, then I of course told her I was kidding and  that she would just have to wait til she sees the pictures to see what it is!!! My parents were of course excited, it's been quite sometime since we've had a baby girl in the family (me) When we went to show Clay's mom and sisters they were so dang cute, they had gone and found a few cute outfits for me to open, it was so fun!!!! They were our very first little girl thing. I have a feeling she is going to be one spoiled little girl :)
outfits from clay's mom and sis's

The proof!! It's a girl
Clay and I waiting patiently to go into the ultrasound room
-poor clay he was so sick that morning :(
filling out some paperwork before the ultrasound!!

Great friends!

Our cute friends Kyle and Mandi stopped by our house a few weeks ago and brought us the cutest gift for our baby! It was so sweet of them. You can kind of see the outfits they brought in the picture. They are absolutely adorable. Thank you so much guys, what great friends  you are. I can't wait until softball season so we see more of you !!!!

March 10, 2009


We had such a good time the other night with some of our great friends Jason and Lindsay Owen. They invited us to come and make pizza's at Jason's store (Great Harvest) Clay and I were so excited because they had been telling us how great the pizzas were and I can now say for myself AMAZING!!! It was really fun, such a fun experience. 
Thanks Jas and Linds :)
These are our Masterpiece pizzas, they may not look pretty, but they tasted amazing!
Linds and Me!
Linds and Jason, their pizzas looked gourmet compared to ours
Our pizzas before the oven
 chef Clay at work

March 4, 2009

Selling our motorhome

This has been a sad week. We have had our motorhome for sale for quite awhile and figured if it sold great, if not great. We haven't used it in quite awhile and she was getting really old so I didn't think much of selling it, until the day came that I heard I guy was buying it :( I didn't even get to take pictures in it or anything. I am going to have to find some old ones and post those. This old memory filled motorhome has a special place in my heart. I began to think about all of the many, many memories we have had in it and I just got a smile on my face reflecting on the fun times we had in it. When I was little we went so many places in it and we loved it. I do remember me and all three brothers trying to sleep in the top bunk which was about a foot and half of space so every time you woke up in the middle of the night you'd hit you head. Not a good memory then, but it sure is now :) I sure will miss the many good times we had in that thing!! I hope her new owner loves her as much as we did!!!!

I seriously feel like this little boy when i think about selling our motorhome :(

Another great movie

A couple of weeks ago Clay and I went and saw this movie. I had heard it was great, but knew nothing about it. Clay and I both LOVED it. It was one of the better movies I have seen in a long time. What did you guys think of it??? I don't want to say too much, in case you haven't seen it.

Good movie!

Clay and I had a date with my parents this past weekend and we decided to go and see Marley and me. I had heard this movie was really good, but just never made my way to see it.  I heard that people cried in it and i thought I won't cry I don't even like dogs (sounds mean, but I am allergic and I'm not a fan of them slobbering all over me) anyhow, I really liked the movie and it confirmed my decision that I still don't want a dog. WOW, are you kidding me, that movie made me exhausted just watching it. The funny thing is, every dog my family has ever had acted just like Marley (and you wonder why I don't love dogs)  Seriously, I'm not kidding, if any of you have heard the Bandit stories you know exactly what i mean :) However, I do have to admit that I did cry in the movie, not just a few tears, I pretty much fully cried. I do have a tender heart towards dogs when they are NOT mine. But I would recommend this movie to anyone if you haven't seen it yet, DO!

I love spring!!!

This past week has put me in the best mood!! I am such a warm weather person and the weather has been amazing. I love waking up to the sound of birds chirping in the trees around me. I can't wait for it truly to be spring!!!
Bring on the warm weather